
According to Neilson, African Americans have a buying power of $1.3 trillion. With all that’s going on in the world, sometimes it may seem like African Americans lack power, but we at Empify believe that all minorities have both power and influence over the world. True power lies in the money they have and how they use it!

The goal of the Power of Ownership Wall Street Experience is to raise the awareness around this statistic, and to show our students the true power they possess just by knowing what is possible. During this experience, we strengthen our students’ inner belief in themselves, and show them why their presence and their ability to invest are important. The Power of Ownership Tour takes students on a journey through the Financial Capital of World and shows them how they can spend, work for, and invest in companies they see every day.

Experience Break Down

Students Will Realize That They Can


There is power in every dollar we earn and spend!

Too many times, we make money, and we immediately spend it. While we do need to spend money to survive, we also decrease our net worth by constantly doing it. During the tour, students will learn and explore companies that they spend money with, or companies they give their time to. They Will see how their time and money goes to helping companies make millions of dollars.


Our students are strong enough and smart enough to build a career anywhere, and that’s what we show them!

Many of our students only believe in what their eyes can see. So, to expand their horizons, we partner with companies that expose our students to a professional environment. Students meet individuals from all over the world who network with them, mentor them, and discuss the careers and opportunities at large corporation they know. This gives them the ability to see what is possible once they step outside their own neighborhoods.


There is true power in owning the companies we give our time and money to!

Investing isn’t talked about much at home, within our school system, or amongst our friends and family. By visiting the financial capital of the world, students realize that, not only can they consume the products and services companies create, or work at these companies, but they can also OWN stock in these companies. Intertwining the Power of Ownership Tour with our investment classes, students get the opportunity to see how invest in large Fortune 500 that they experience firsthand can help them build wealth.

Empify U x Twitter Visit


By visiting Wall Street, seeing the New York Stock Exchange, visiting publicly traded companies, and experiencing the New York energy, we are able to help students live out the full mission of EMPIFY:

To EMPower and modIFY the mindset of every individual, inspiring them to achieve career, life and financial success.